Sponsor a Child

Child Sponsorship costs:

Class Monthly Costs Yearly Costs
Pre-primary INR 500 INR 6000
I to IV INR 850 INR 10200
V to VIII INR 1050 INR 12600
IX to XII INR 1200 INR 14400

What to expect from your Child Sponsorship:

  • Each child has only one sponsor (unless you want to include a family member or a friend as a co-sponsor).
  • A Case History with a picture of your sponsored child, personal information, and information about the family of your sponsored child.
  • The following is a copy of our Child Sponsorship Information Sheet, which should address the majority of your questions about how sponsorship works.
  • Once a year, in the month leading up to Christmas, you will receive an annual progress report outlining the educational status and accomplishments of your sponsored child. A handmade Christmas card from your supported child with their picture inside, as well as a short letter or painting, will be included.

Sponsor a Child

You will create a lasting difference in a child's and family's future by supporting a child with Edify foundation. We benefit children from pre-school through third grade through the Educational Sponsorship Program.Education sponsorship pays for schoolbooks, uniforms, tuition, and, if necessary, after-school coaching.

Your sponsorship could ensure a child's better future for his/her community. You can sponsor a child, an event, operation cost of a disabled or poor child.

In the poorest neighbourhoods, education is the gateway to long-term improvement. It is the only way to transform social perceptions and help children develop into employable adults who can support themselves and their families.